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GeoTrust OV - Validation Requirements for SSL Certificates
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A. Organization Authentication Requirements

Geotrust must verify that your organization is registered with a government agency and in good standing in the location listed in your order.

The following entities are eligible to receive an OV Certificate provided they are currently registered with and approved by an official registration agency in their jurisdiction.

Government agencies


General partnerships

Unincorporated associations

Sole proprietorships

B. Physical Address Confirmation

GeoTrust must verify the organization’s registered, physical address through one of the following means, if not listed in the Government Agency record:

A qualified information source (e.g., Dun & Bradstreet, BBB). The record must include the organization's full business name, and place of business address

Through a Professional Opinion Letter (template will be provided by GeoTrust)


C. Telephone Number Confirmation:

GeoTrust must verify the organization’s telephone number through one of the following means, if not listed in the Government Agency record:

A qualified information source (e.g., Dun & Bradstreet, BBB, Yellow Pages)

Through a Professional Opinion Letter (template will be provided by GeoTrust)

D. Domain Authentication Requirements 

GeoTrust must confirm that your organization owns, or has the right to use, the domain listed in your order.

GeoTrust must confirm that your organization owns, or has the right to use, the domain listed in your order. Domain ownership is confirmed by performing a WHOIS lookup. The WHOIS lists a “Registrant”, which is considered the owner of the domain.  The domain registrant must match the organization’s registered, legal name listed and approved on the order.

If the registrant does not match, please update the domain Registrant with your domain Registrar to show your organization’s registered, legal name.

If your organization does not own the domain listed in your order, we will request:

Update the Registrant to match the organization’s registered, legal name.

Have the Administrative Contact (or relevant contact) on the WHOIS complete the Domain Rights Confirmation Letter.  Support will provide that contact with the Domain Rights Confirmation Letter template and instructions via e-mail.

E. Order Verification Requirements  

Verification involves calling the Organizational Contact for the order via a telephone number obtained through a qualified information source (e.g., Dun & Bradstreet, BBB, Yellow Pages), to confirm the order information within the enrollment. 

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